Sunday, January 21, 2018

Fools Should Learn To Love

Do I look a bit like a teacher?
Okay, so I'm not a teacher, but there are a few things I want you to know about some upcoming holidays this year, and also perhaps something you don't know about what the Bible teaches.
It's a book I was raised upon as a child, it's lessons that is, and although there is a lot to the book that I no longer believe, it does have some significant lessons in it about how we are to treat other human beings.

 Okay.... so every year Christians all across the United States and around the world celebrate Ash Wednesday, and it's from the Bible... their holiday when they run around town with a smudge of black on their's ash people.  Not dirt, but ash.
The ashes, generally spotted on the foreheads of Catholics, symbolize the first day of the Lenten Season and when applied by the priest, they are reminded by his words that they are dust, and to dust they shall return.
I get that part, because considering that I plan to be cremated, I will be dust before I even hit the ground.
 So, the Lenten Season leads up to Easter, which marks the day that Jesus, their son of God rises up again, after having been crucified on Good Friday.
It's all about him having died for their sins, which means they can now get away with any bullshit here on earth that they do or say, because they are forgiven for their asinine  actions.
Hence.... why they love Trump and want all DACAs returned to the countries their parents came from, even though the Dreamers had nothing to do with their coming here, being raised here, and having no memories of ever even living in another country.

Oh, but 'Send Them Back.  Send Them Back'.
Back to what??  They came here as BABIES.
Even your god would be sympathetic to THAT!
Many Christians obviously just figure they are already forgiven for being assholes to other people.
 There are MANY verses in their Bible that speak to the power of loving others... it's what their God demands of them.
There are many verses that speak to the power of hating others, and let's just say that their God has a lot of thoughts on this issue also, and so I ask myself why it is that these Christians who walk around with ashes on their foreheads come the Lenten Season choose to follow a President and a political party who tries to do so much damage to the very people that their God and their Bible says that they should love and not hate?
Does anyone have a good and realistic answer to the conundrum?

 As caucasian humans, we love, we marry, we have children and we spend the rest of our lives together loving those around us.  People of other colors do the same.  We all just want to live our lives with harmony in our families and with those around us.
Sometimes our children adopt children of other races, or in some families people of a darker color even marry into a white family or vice versa.  It's all good.  It's all harmonious.  We are all flesh.
 I'm not sure the conundrum can be solved, and I shake my head daily at people who don't support the Dreamers, children who never chose to be here in the first place, who 30 years ago were carried across the border of our country in their mother's arms before they could speak any language, and are now woven into our country as educated, hard working young people.
Is it right to punish them for an action they had no choice in making? They didn't devise a plan to dig a tunnel or hide in the back of a truck or find a coyote smuggler to get them through the deserts of Arizona.... they had no choice.
   They are now grown and they pay taxes. They speak English.  They serve in our military.  They too are now having families of their own. 
Do the people against them even know what a Dreamer and what DACA is, or do they simply see it as a color issue?
Do they only watch Fox News and never turn the channel so that they have thoughts from both sides of the political aisle?
Well, for those who believe the Bible and pray to God, their Ash Wednesday is on Valentines Day this year.
A day of love.... and I want to remind them of that.
A day of love.
And their Easter is on April 1st.... April Fools Day,
and I want to remind them of that, since they are all acting a bit foolish if you ask me.

I hope they all Go home and read their Bibles today and understand what it is that their God asks of them,
because they make no damn sense to me.


  1. Good rant! There are many good Christian people, but they are not as vocal as the pseudo Christians that adore Trump. Those people just make me shake my head. You made some great points!
