Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Life is about pain, followed by healing, and then finding our way back to joy.

As you know, I love music and all that it can do for the way we feel.  The spirit.  It can bring us down and mellow us out and then with the simple tuning in of another song, the sounds and the words swoop in, pick us up, and bring us back from the ashes of defeat.

This new CD that I came across today on iTunes would definitely be my swooping in, my sort of savior if I had just had my heart broken by one of life's messy happenings.
It is Chaos And The Calm by James Bay.

Here is just one of the songs from his newest CD which can be pre-ordered on iTunes.

Hold Back The River

Let It Go

Hoping all those who need to be saved from life will hear the right words to begin the healing process within a song or two on this new CD.



  1. What a beautiful post. And I love the way you put that. "saved from life will hear the right words to begin the healing process." Most excellent.
