What's too much?
What's too much to post on a social media website when it comes to photos?
I'm a pretty open book and have probably posted too much when it comes to words, but not when it comes to my photos.
When it comes to my husband and his privacy I draw the line.
He's a technical person and deals with clients, who may or may not have more conservative values than he does,
so I do try to keep that in mind, not wanting to embarrass my husband or draw unnecessary attention to him where his career is involved.
He's retired from a 9-5 corporate job, works for himself, and I am certain that when companies consider hiring him to do work for them that they want a man who means business.
*this is not a photo of my husband*
I also like to keep in mind before posting photos on the internet that anything you show to the world can be stolen by a hacker and used for their own purposes. I would NOT like to see my husband on a billboard in Times Square as a joke or a hoax by a hacker. I think that might just be grounds for divorce, or at least a banning of internet service from our house.
Like a child, I would be punished for it, and rightfully so. I would deserve it.
So, how far will you go today on the internet?
How much will you share, and will it be too much?
Online or otherwise, I always do my best to show my husband in the very best light. It's a matter of respect. What he shares about himself is up to him.