Sunday, April 8, 2018

It's The NPR Life For Me!

(image from Pixabay)

You may have noticed that I am posting less frequently this year, and it's not that I have lost my blogging voice or have nothing to say.... because I ALWAYS have something to say.  Just ask me!

I have however decided that it is time to pull back from not only blogging so often, but also, this week I walked away from Facebook.  At age 64 I want to spend more time doing other things and less time on social media.  I've been doing photo blogs, e-mailing, larger blogs, a blog Page on Facebook, a selling page on Facebook, and also my regular personal Facebook page.  

Some years ago I joined Twitter, but it's a rare day that I post anything or make any comments there, and I also have an Instagram account.  Instagram has become a much more appealing form of social media to me, so it is there that I have chosen to spend more time as far as a social media platform.
It has very little political and current event discussions, at least the pages I have decided to follow, and I can still get a snapshot of what is going on with my family who all live very far away, and as I pointed out to the family.... we can e-mail or text or call on the phone.  Those forms of technology still work!! 

I am also reading more these days, as well as listening to discussions on NPR.  

Yes, I will still be posting here on the blog, but not nearly as often as some of you may like. Sorry.... but I've been blogging since 2006 when Apple came out with iWeb, and at that time I had not only a personal website, but also ran one for my classmates from high school.  That's twelve years of my life spent online

In 2007-2008 I began my Blogger life.  It's been a ride, with the numerous blogs I've had, the very first being The Blue Ridge Gal.  AND, blogging led to designing blog headers as well as assisting other bloggers with re-doing their blog look, designing buttons for their sidebars (remember those?) I am whooped and tired and simply need to back off a bit and let the younger gals in their 20's through 50's do their thing.  I read a few of those blogs still to this day, but not many.  As I said.... I am pulling back this year.

It's time to make time for me.


  1. Enjoy this time for yourself . . .
    You deserve it Diane . . .
    You’ll be missed . . .
    I will look forward to seeing you every once in awhile . . .

  2. Good for you on the decision to make more time for yourself! Since I was never in any other form of social media, blogging has been a fun experience, but one that I too am doing less. That said, it’s still enjoyable to read the blogs of others and to read comments, just doing it less often now as well. NPR is a favorite of mine as well as are podcasts.
