Saturday, December 9, 2017

What's Happening Around Here

 Here's some updates for December at our house.
A package or two have now appeared beneath the tree, and somebody is applying the 'snoop' factor.
She pokes at the bulbs each morning as she comes out of the bedroom,
and now that nose is poking at packages.
AND HIS poking nose has discovered his dads' already unwrapped Christmas present sitting out in the driveway.
These two pups don't let anything new around here get past the smell test.
 With all of the nighttime light already in our driveway, I'm not sure it needed any other statement,
 but, what's one string of lights going to hurt?

 I added a third red truck to my Christmas fleet on the mantel, and this one is a Woody sold by Target.
I love that the Target red trucks don't cost an arm and a leg as some of the trucks do this time of year.
 I also added one ornament to our tree, because who can resist a little pink reindeer with a look that harkens back to the look from mid-century?
Not I.
This is also from Target, and they had such great Christmas decor and tree items this year.
Kudos to Tar-Jay!!
 Do you light your tree often?
Ours are on a timer and pop on at 7AM until around 10AM, and then again from 5PM until 10PM.
We went to a lot of work to put it up and decorate this full sized tree this year, so we are going to enjoy it as much as possible before it's time to take it down and tuck it away into the basement.
You should too.
It's sort of akin to using your best dishes on a daily basis rather than just once or twice a year.
'Enjoy Things While We Can' 
 has become our motto as we've gotten older.
And, last but not least is the letter board which will display
small and fun messages throughout the year.
They are a great gift for that person you just don't seem to know what to buy.
I couldn't find a large one here in our town.... they seem to be sold out, but this 12x12 does nicely next to our wine cabinet.

And THAT my friends, is what's happening around here.

Hope your Season of Giving is going smoothly this year and everything is falling into place just as you had planned.



  1. I love that little red truck, too cute! Oh and hubbys new car is awesome, wow!!

  2. Likin’ your December looks . . .
    Love all the lights up top in the kitchen too . . .
    I agree . . . enjoy the lights and baubles . . . while we can!
    And feel that way about china, crystal and “best things too!”
    Use them!!!

    We have our outside lights on a timer . . .
    I do a “toe tap” for our tree to light up . . .
    Plus candles and individual self lights I keep lit on various occasions.
    (I love candles lit inside . . . but like to keep an eye on them!)

    Love it when it snows and I can light candle luminaries set in the snow . . .
    Creating magic all around . . .

  3. So pretty! Your woody truck really makes me smile and as for your letter board -- four star!
