Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It All Comes Alive

 If you've never seen Virginia in the springtime when all is blossoming and Mother Nature dons her skirt of green, then you've missed out. You should probably make it a priority to visit here before your knees and hips give out.
 I grew up in the Midwest, in a northern county in Iowa where FLAT is the norm and you can't see around the corner of the next cornfield.  Growing up I didn't see much beauty in those scenes.  I imagine that the people who still live there see a kind of gorgeous-ness in it, but after living where there are mountains to tease my eyeballs..... well, I just doubt I could live without the views here.

 These are some of my views as I drive to and from grocery shopping, auto maintenance appointments, doctor visits or just heading to town to blow a few bucks.

 There is a lot for sale on this property.
Better hurry before it's gone.
 Seriously.... how would you like to wake up to this outside your bedroom window?
 It won't be too many weeks and this house will disappear behind leaf filled trees, reappearing in late fall when they are orange and gold and fall back to the ground. Sometimes I forget there is even a house there!  

 Hope you're enjoying seeing our area of the country as it all comes alive this spring.


  1. Green hillsides are so pretty, especially with the pops of pink and white blossoms. Mother Nature is smiling on you right now.

  2. Just gorgeous! Think I will buy that lot and build a house on it so we can shop, play with our dogs and have afternoon tea. BTW, I subscribe to a DIY blog and one gal grates Irish Spring soap and puts it around her plants to deter the deer. xo

  3. Not at all unlike PA....Beautiful time of the year

  4. Beautiful Diane . . .
    You get GREEN long before we do . . .
    Gorgeous weekend here in Michigan though . . .
    Sunny, blue sky, a bit warmer . . .
