Monday, December 1, 2014

Swank It Up

 Most of our holidays are quiet, and this year's Thanksgiving was no different.
A huge meal of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, and a large plate of pickles, cranberry sauce, olives, etc.

 Far too much food for two people trying to watch their weight, but it was just soooo good, and the leftovers stretched out for days, ending on Sunday with a dressing, turkey and potato casserole with cheese on top.
There is still quite a bit of turkey shredded and frozen for a rainy day meal.

 I do the deviled eggs, the green bean casserole and the mashed potatoes each year and my husband does his magic with the turkey and stuffing.  I have NEVER cooked a turkey by the way.
Why should I when someone else in the house knows what they are doing.
Let people do what they are good at, right?

 *Rowdy hanging out on the porch*

Over the week-end we dragged out the old boxes of decorations from closets and the storage room in the basement and between my husband and I got a little red and green going in the house.

 I always used these red lace ties on my formal dining room chairs, but without a formal dining room in our current home,
*the dining room set lives in the basement*
I decided to use the ties anyway, on the dinette set chairs in the kitchen.
I don't think there is any rule that says you can't dress up your informal kitchen set, is there?
That darned Martha Stewart would argue with me possibly, but who the hell does she think she is anyway?
I mean... she's not even my aunt or a cousin or sister, so what do I care about her opinion.
I say make the dinette set look like it's going to a party!!
Swank it up!!
and the ladder in the background was used for some of the rest of the decorating which I'll show you soon.

WE are ready for Christmas at this house!!

1 comment :

  1. I like the "swank up!" Made the dinette look ready for the holiday! Really great!
