Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Debate In My Own Head

These are all photos, and also a video of our mountain views from our home.  Some are taken at ground level from the side of the house, and some from the porch and deck which are at the second level of the back of our home where we spend most of our outdoor hours during the warmer months of the year.  We enjoy coffee, lunches, and grilling from the second level which is where our family room and kitchen are, so much time is spent looking at the mountain views.
When we purchased our home in 2013 there was a better view, but our trees which are on the forested area of our property,  have since grown quite a bit taller and robbed us of the view we loved.

I dislike cutting down healthy trees, but some of the trees are not so healthy, and when storm winds blow we always end up losing a tree or two or three it seems. 
So I am in the midst of making the decision as to which trees need to come down, and hiring a company for a day to visit our woods and take a few out.  Six or ten trees to be exact.  Some are blight and bug ridden and not so healthy anyway. 

Taking out a few trees will mean healthier conditions for those that remain, better views for us to enjoy, and a 'mountain view' always adds value to a home.  Win win for everyone.

I want my view back year round.


  1. Like you, my mountain view is better in winter than summer, but I don't want to take out my trees as they are my privacy from my neighbor and from the road. That doesn't appear to be the problem at your house, so I'd go for it. Can you use the wood for firewood?

  2. It will be lovely because you respect the trees themselves and the environment in which they grow, along with your desire for a view. And of course you are right about a healthy system by eliminating some that are not well. A few years ago I wrote about our lake next door neighbors (lake on one side, woods on the other) who literally cut down EVERY TREE in a two-lot swath, completely stripping the landscape to build their home which now sticks out like a sore thumb. I understand people who do what you do -- I never understood why people would build a house in the woods only to cut the woods down. Your view is gorgeous -- and I can't wait to see the "after."
