Thursday, March 29, 2018

Waiting For April

 Our local grocery store had Boston ferns for sale on their front sidewalk yesterday.  
I had three ferns on our screened porch last year, and they, with some good care, stayed green for months!
Loved that!!
I won't be buying any just yet, since there is the good chance we may still have some over nite temperatures that fall into the 30's over the next few weeks.
Ferns are sold all summer, so there is no chance of me missing out on getting a few for the porch.
They add a bit of pzazz if you ask me.
I tried having Boston Ferns when we lived in the Southwest, but THAT heat simply didn't allow me, no matter how hard I tried, to be successful at keeping them alive.
It's desert country.  It's cactus country. It's ugly country for plants.
Just ugly.
we should have an abundance of blooms coming in April.
These blooms were photographed in our planter bed mid April of last year, and I  look forward to their beauty once again.


  1. I never had luck with Boston Ferns....they don't like me!! The only plants I've seen for sale in our area so far have been spring bulbs that were forced....and I gladly bought a few! I'll plant them in my garden after they bloom and enjoy them every spring, unless the critters get them! Happy Easter to you!

  2. I am a fern gal too . . .
    Looking forward . . . much too early.
    Hungry for blooms and green . . .
    Happy Spring Days Diane . . .
