Friday, November 3, 2017

Falling Into November

We are falling into November now.... the first few days of blue skies, sunshine, warm days and cool nights.

Today my spouse was busy helping a neighbor with some electrical wiring so I headed to town to check out a Christmas trees at Lowes which he had told me was REALLY nice.
We haven't put up a Christmas tree in many years, other then a few small table top trees around the house, so off to Lowes I headed since I truly want a tree this year.... a BIG tree.

He was right.... the tree was gorgeous, so I brought it home.  The box weighed a bit over 100 pounds, so once we got it loaded by hand cart into the house, the pups were hankerin' for a ride in the truck which we had left with the rear door sitting open.  Hubby headed back to the neighbor's house and I took the spoiled, rotten pups for a ride just down to the end of our road and back.  
Here's the video on Vimeo.

My Movie 1 from Diane Cayton-Hakey on Vimeo.


  1. What a beautiful area you live in! I feel like I took the little ride right along with you and
    your dogs, and it was fun. They are so good the way they wait for you to hoist them out. My little Pomeranian is naughty and not as patient.

  2. I look forward to seeing your tree,
    And I loved the ride down the road, back home
    with the “children!”
    I liked your hat too . . .
