Thursday, January 19, 2017

Turkey Or Beef Sausage Compromise

 For years, when making red sauce, we did so using Italian sausage as our meat.  We would brown it and then add it to the sauce mixture in the crock pot and let it cook for hours on end..... and it was DELICIOUS!
 These days we have compromised, since my husband has been able to lower his cholesterol so is still akin to eating sausage, but I have not.... so I don't need all that fat from the sausage in my meal.
 These days we no longer do meat directly in the sauce, but instead make meatballs separately... he gets sausage in his meatballs and mine are turkey.  I've never been a huge fan of meatballs, but this method works so that we can both enjoy the red sauce over our spaghetti, and each eat meatballs that suit our health needs.

 Spaghetti and meatballs top our wheat spaghetti, with a side of asparagus and one thin slice of bread.
Compromises don't always have to be a bad choice.

*if you want the recipe for the sauce, or for the meatballs, please let me know*

1 comment :

  1. You may invite me anytime . . .
    In the meantime, I would love the sauce recipe and the recipe for meatballs; sausage and turkey.
    Home grown tomatoes must add to that sauce considerably.
