Sunday, December 11, 2016

Last Winter And This Week

Others around the country are showing photos of their snowfalls over the past few days.
I can't say we have had the luxury of that beauty YET, in fact, our first snowfall last winter was in January of 2016. as shown in these photos.  A little here, a lot there.  We are always excited when we get a snow event, and we don't get over that feeling until mid March when we say GO AWAY!

It has been exceptionally cold here over the past few days, with temperatures below freezing requiring that we bundle up when we slip outdoors even for a few minutes with the pups.

Izzy is still 'on leash' orders from the vet.... she tore a few stitches, in fact MOST of her stitches out a day or two ago and her doctor was not pleased with us.  *sigh*  
Sorry, Doc.  We try to be good doggie parents but sometimes we slip up.

Hope your days have been a wee bit better than ours this week.
Enjoy these photos from last winter.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your snow of last year looks like today here in Western Michigan . . .
    We don't have as much as usual, but plenty . . .
    Snow blower snow . . .
    Nothing like the first blast of snow for the season!

    Poor Izzy, did she slip out and around her cone collar?
    Hear anything from the biopsy yet?

  3. Poor Izzy...I'm sure it's difficult to keep a dog from wanting to rip out what they consider an intruder. Hope she heals okay. The weatherman this morning said he wanted snow...foolish boy... xoxo

  4. We have only had a dusting here and there..thankfully..It's OK if you don't have to travel..Sure has been cold though...Love your header..

  5. Gorgeous photos!! And now I get the 'life on sprinkle' - ha ha!! :)
